Maintenance & Repair FAQs

  • What payment options do you accept?

    We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express.  We can take payments in person or a credit card over the phone.  There is a $25 fee for returned checks.

  • In regards to cleaning the black & gray tanks, doesn't my tank rinsing system do a good enough job?

    Typically, most rinse systems only spray 100-150 PSI.  And it sprays in a set pattern in the tank so there can be build up in other places.  Our system uses a Hydrojet that sprays 1,500 PSI & has specially made nozzles to spray all over the inside of the tank.

  • Will a good tank cleaning fix my sensors?

    Quite possibly, yes.  Most of the time the sensors are just gummed up & tend to work fine after being sprayed down really well.

  • Do I need to replace my tank if there is a bad odor coming from it?

     Not necessarily.  Let us clean them first with our high powered system to see if that fixes the problem.

  • My trailer/RV tires still have great tread, aren't they still good?

    Not necessarily.  Trailer/RV tires tend to break down before they wear out.  Because most trailers/RVs sit in the sun, the tires break down before the tread wears down.  You should change your tires every 5-7 years, even if the tread is still good.  You can check the date on your tires to see how old they are.  A blowout can cause a very serious accident.  Don't take a chance.

  • How do I know when different parts of my RV need maintenance?

    Most systems in RVs have maintenance intervals. See the Powerpoint presentation on our website to find out what those are.

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